How to Live Without Food

How to Live Without Food

There are people in the world who allegedly live without food. Some claim to have been living this way for decades, many without both food and water. They are often called "Breatharians" because they appear to live from breathing. If you'd like to try this, here are steps you might consider to live without food.


Begin to limit your intake of food slowly. Don't plan to stop eating abruptly because it won't work. Your body needs time to adapt to using cosmic energy instead of food.


Become a vegan before giving up food completely. A vegan is a vegetarian who abstains from all animal products, such as cheese, milk or eggs.


Realize that it may take awhile to give up food completely. You will go through periods when you are extremely hungry. No one is forcing you to do this, so go ahead and indulge, even if just a little bit. Your body may be saying it needs more time to adapt.


Gauge the way you feel after spending several weeks to months without food. Get a physical medical checkup to find out if you're healthy.


Decide if you would like to give up water also if you do okay for an extensive time without food. Those who go without water claim they obtain moisture through their lungs from the air they breathe.

Tips & Warnings

There is no proof at all that you can live without food and water for an extended period. If you attempt this, you are endangering your life. Consider this article nothing more than an information piece. It does not recommend that you attempt to live without food and water. Starvation and dehydration can produce shock, permanent disability and death.